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Liederabend Xenia Galanova und Tatjana Schurigina

5. Februar 2022

Xenia Galanova, Sopran

Tatjana Schurigina, Fortepiano 

Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949)
      Schlußszene aus der Oper Salome

Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849)

      Walzer cis Moll Op 64 Nr 2

Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski (1840 - 1893)
      Цветок - Die Blume (Text A. Plesheev)

Modest Petrowitsch Mussurgski (1839 - 1891) 

      По Грибы - In den Pilzen (Text L. Mei)

Modest Petrowitsch Mussurgski 

      Гопак Hopak (Text L. Mei)

Georgi Wassiljewitsch Swiridow (1915 - 1998) 

      Весной - Im Frühling (Text A. Block)

Antonín Leopold Dvořák (1841 - 1904)
      Struna naladěna - Reingestimmt die Saiten (Text A. Heyduk)

      široké rukávy a široké gatě - In dem weiten, breiten,

     luft'gen Leinenkleide (Text A Heyduk)

Georgi Wassiljewitsch Swiridow
     О. Родина, счастливый и неисходный час! - O Motherland,

     Happy and Irredeemable Hour

Liederabend Xenia Galanova und Tatjana Schurigina: Unsere Produktionen

Xenia Galanova

Soprano Xenia Galanova was born in Tomsk, Russia. She grew up multilingual and completed her music studies in 2014 in Yekaterinburg. During her studies she has taken part in various opera and concert performances which have brought her international recognition. She has also taken artistic advice from master classes and workshops with well- known professors. International highlights of Xenia's performances include appearances in Tokyo Opera City Hall, Osaka Symphony Hall, Lotte Concert Hall (Seoul) as well as numerous performances in Austria (Vienna, Klosterneuburg, St. Pölten, Linz).In August 2020 Xenia celebrated her debut in Bayreuth, in the opera "Sonnenflammen" by S. Wagner (Eunoe, Phila, cover of Iris). Xenia's repertoire is very extensive and includes a wide variety of styles and genres such as operettas, art songs, as well as dramatic operas by G. Puccini, G. Verdi and others. 2017 Asian tour with the Vienna Walzer Orchestra in Japan and Korea (15 concerts in total): 3 concerts in the T okyo Opera City Hall, as well as in Osaka, Yokohama,
Hamamatsu, Chiba, Biwako and Machida 2 Concerts in Seoul (Lotte Concert Hall)

Liederabend Xenia Galanova und Tatjana Schurigina: Infos

Tatjana Schurigina

Pianist T atiana Shurygina was born in Russia in city Orekhovo - Zuyevo. At the age of 6, she began playing piano at the Yakov Flier Children's music school with teachers Nina and Anatoly Koposov (graduates of Saint Petersburg Conservatory).
In 2014, Tatiana graduated from the Alexander Scriabin music basic College. During her studies, Tatiana took an active part in creative activities. She has repeatedly performed with the Moscow chamber orchestra "Cantus Firmus" under the conduction of Alexander Khurgin,participated in regional and all-Russian competitions. Tatiana is a diplomant winner of the all-Russian Yakov Flier competition, a winner of regional competitions and a winner of the concertmaster competition. Her repertoire includes works from I.S.Bach and the Viennese Classical to modern composers such as Alfred Schnittke, Arno Babajanian , Sergei Slonimsky, and Nikolai Kapustin.
In addition to musical activities, Tatiana is a certified psychologist (bachelor's degree). Currently, Tatiana lives in Vienna and studies musicology at the Vienna state University. .

Liederabend Xenia Galanova und Tatjana Schurigina: Infos

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